Training: Square to Hexagon
Let's distort a Square into a Hexagon. Touch the slides one-by-one.
To start making room we'll rotate positions 2, 3 and 4 clockwise 30 degrees. Notice that the little square grids between the Head lady and her Corner distort to form little diamonds.
Positions 3 and 4 rotate clockwise 30 degrees.
Position 4 rotates clockwise 30 degrees. Notice that the #4 couple is directly across from the #1 Head couple, but #4 is still a Side couple. Couples #2 and #3 also retain their original Head or Side designations.
We added position 5, a Head position, as are all the odd positions.
Finally, we added position 6, a Side position, as are all the even positions. We have six positions and six sides of a polygon: a HEXAGON.
Lets add couple #5, a Head couple.
Lets add couple #6, a Side couple. Notice that in Hexagons, Side couples are directly opposite Head couples.
This is a normal squared set. Heads are couples #1 and #3, and Sides are couples #2 and #4. A Hexagon has six sides, so we need to insert two more positions into our four-sided square. We'll split the square between the Head man and his Corner.
Training: Page 2